
The AMAZING Benefits Of Vitamin C For The Skin


The AMAZING Benefits Of Vitamin C For The Skin - Orange Slices

Vitamin C is a critical nutrient and vital for good health. It prevents scurvy, is essential for blood vessel health, and supports the immune system. But did you know that vitamin C is a natural remedy for beautiful skin? It’s one of my secret weapons in my skin care arsenal.

Vitamin C is responsible for collagen formation, and for improving the skin’s elasticity, thickness, and texture. It can also brighten and even out skin tone, and help to heal blemishes and bruises. Check out these amazing benefits of vitamin C for the skin.

Benefits Of Vitamin C For The Skin

Vitamin C And Collagen

Collagen is a structural protein in the skin that gives it that firm and lovely, plump look. As with many other functions in the body, collagen production decreases with age leading to wrinkles, sagging skin, and decreased skin elasticity. Think of collagen as a kind of glue that holds the body together. It is a very important glue, and you’ll see unwelcome signs as it declines.

Vitamin C stimulates collagen production which makes it an amazing anti-aging vitamin. It also controls skin cell turnover, is responsible for skin thickness, and protects the skin against free-radicals that damage collagen. Not only can it prevent the signs of aging, but it can also repair past damage, and heal scars left from acne.

Vitamin C Is An Antioxidant

Vitamin C is also a potent antioxidant and electron donor, which is why it protects the skin against free-radical damage. Antioxidants reduce inflammation, increase circulation, repair sun damage, and prevent premature aging of the skin. Not only is vitamin C an antioxidant in itself, but it helps regenerate other antioxidants in the body

It is also a natural exfoliator. Exfoliation is a proven and effective technique that should be performed on a consistent basis to remove dead skin cells and stimulate cell turnover. The process of cell regeneration slows with age so this habit becomes increasingly more important with time. Vitamin C also improves hydration of the skin and helps it retain moisture.

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And if that weren’t enough, vitamin C fosters healthy blood sugar levels. Elevated blood sugar increases glycation and oxidative stress. Glycation occurs when excess sugar in the blood attaches to proteins. Elastin, which provides resiliency and elasticity to the skin, and collagen are both proteins and subject to glycation, which causes healthy tissue to breakdown, become rigid, and lose elasticity. The end result shows up as wrinkles and sagging skin.

Signs that you are deficient in vitamin C will manifest as dry skin and hair, easy bruising, swollen and bleeding gums, frequent nosebleeds, swollen joints, fatigue, and even depression.

Oral And Topical Applications Of Vitamin C

Taking vitamin C orally, supplementing with it, and applying it topically, all have beneficial effects on the skin. Eating a nutrient-dense diet will ensure that you have adequate amounts of this vital skin-care molecule, which will not only enhance the appearance of your skin, but will benefit your body in many other ways as well.

Aside from a healthy diet, you can also supplement with vitamin C. Most of us associate ascorbic acid with vitamin C, but it is only the outer rim of the complex, and just one of 12 compounds that make up the vitamin C molecule. Most ascorbic acid supplements are derived from corn, which is a genetically modified food, and it is 10 times more acidic than the complex or buffered forms.

Using the whole complex will ensure that you harness all the amazing benefits of the various factors, rutins, and bioflavonoids contained within this therapeutic vitamin. Bioflavonoids, or vitamin P, decrease inflammation, are powerful antioxidants, protect the heart, and help treat varicose veins. They are abundant in fruits and vegetables.

Forms of vitamin C that contain the entire complex include:

DIY Liposomal Vitamin C

I make my own liposomal Vitamin C, which significantly increases the absorbability. I personally use powdered rosehips and sunflower lecithin. I know others make it with different forms of vitamin C.  Whatever form you choose to use, you’ll want to put that, along with the lecithin, into a ultrasonic jewelry cleaner to assure that the vitamin C becomes liposomal, where it can easily pass through the cell membrane into the cell. Watch the video below to learn how to make it:

Vitamin C serums for topical use are a powerful, yet inexpensive way, to nourish your skin. You can make your own or there are many brands on Amazon to choose from. I prefer to make my own since I can control the quality of the ingredients. I also add Hyaluronic Acid to my serums, which is another highly nourishing and hydrating skin care ingredient.

Food Sources Of Vitamin C

Both fruits and vegetables contain vitamin C, but some contain more than others. Foods containing a high amount include:

  • Strawberries
  • Pineapple
  • Mango
  • Papaya
  • Kiwi Fruit
  • Broccoli
  • Bell Peppers
  • Brussel Sprouts
  • Cauliflower
  • Peas

    Key Points

    Vitamin C is among the most researched skin care ingredient, and it’s benefits are undisputed. Keep in mind, it’s a water-soluble vitamin so it must be replaced daily because the body can’t store it.  You’ll be thrilled at the positive changes in your skin when you begin to incorporate this wonderful nutrient into your daily routine. Use it consistently for the best results!

    Do you supplement orally with vitamin C or use it on your skin? Let me know in the comments:)





(1) US National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health: Topical Vitamin C and the Skin: Mechanisms of Action and Clinical Applications

(2) US National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health: Vitamin C in dermatology

(3) US National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health: The Roles of Vitamin C in Skin Health

(4) US National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health: Anti‐aging and brightening effects of a topical treatment containing vitamin C, vitamin E, and raspberry leaf cell culture extract: A split‐face, randomized controlled trial

(5) US National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health: The role of vitamin C in pushing back the boundaries of skin aging: an ultrasonographic approach

(6) US National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health: Double-blind, half-face study comparing topical vitamin C and vehicle for rejuvenation of photodamage

(7) US National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health: Role of Vitamin C in Skin Diseases


4 thoughts on “The AMAZING Benefits Of Vitamin C For The Skin”

  1. Hey

    No doubt vitamin C has so many health benefits. I personally eat a lot of fruits and juicy, citrus ones are my favorite. I love oranges, kiwis, pineapples, and strawberries too. 

    As far as applying them on the skin, I usually use lotions like the ones you recommend. I’m amazed to see how much there is to know just about a simple vitamin which most people ignore in their diets.

    • Hey and thanks for reading,

      Yes, vitamin C has many health benefits, and since it’s water soluble and we can’t make it within our bodies, we need to consume it regularly. Eating fruit is a great way to get your daily dose of C. 

      Vitamin C serums are becoming increasingly more popular as the skin care industry is catching onto its many benefits for the skin, namely collagen production. 

      Thanks for taking the time to comment!

  2. It is amazing how versatile vitamin C is for everything that affects our bodies. Though many other vitamins, minerals, enzymes, and phytochemicals from plants are important for overall health and wellness, vitamin C is one of the top 5 most important, yet our bodies cannot make it on its own and it must be added each day.

    I really liked the video on how to make liposomal vitamin C. Though I doubt it is “equal” to IV vitamin C, I can see it being the closest way to get a higher absorption. I personally have had IV vitamin C a few times over 10 years ago as part of my all natural cancer cure. Only vitamin C when given as an IV can help to kill cancer cells.

    But for general wellness and for the treatment of beautiful skin, taking it orally and topically is the best approach. But you do not want to take too much orally everyday because it can cause stomach discomfort. My doctor has always said to avoid ascorbic acid as the source and to start at a low dose and every 5-7 days increase the dose.

    He also said to always look for vitamin C from Acerola Cherries or Rose Hips if you intend to supplement orally. When it comes to taking an oral supplement, and this is true for whatever it is you are taking, always try to avoid tablets because the body has a harder time to absorb nutrients from a tablet. Take it as a capsule or gel cap, or drink it.

    • Hi Robert,

      Vitamin C is a versatile vitamin, considering it can be used orally, intravenously, and topically. I find it interesting that we humans are one of the only mammals that can’t make vitamin C endogenously.

      I make lipsomal vitamin C on a regular basis. It’s less expensive and time-intensive than IV vitamin C drips, which are amazing, especially as an alternative cancer treatment. I also make my own vitamin C serum to apply topically.

      I avoid ascorbic acid and opt for whole food forms of vitamin C instead, such as acerola cherries and rose hips. I use rose hip powder when making lipsomal C. Yes, tablets are harder to digest than capsules. I always try to buy extracts or powders when available because they’re easier to assimilate.

      Thanks so much for reading and commenting!


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