
How To Use Essential Oils Therapeutically From Home

Essential oils are known for their versatility, therapeutic properties and incredible signature scents. Oils can be used in a variety of ways; I diffuse them, add them to my bath, make my own perfume, and use them in my skincare. Here are four of my favorite essential oils and how to use them.

How To Use Essential Oils - Oils By Flower

How To Use Essential Oils

Essential oils are natural bio-active constituents extracted from the leaves, stems, roots, bark, seeds, and flowers of plants through the process of steam distillation. I use oils in my DIY serums and lotions, adding them to whatever butters or oils I’m using. Essentials oils differ from fat-based oils, in that they evaporate completely, leaving behind their aromatic compounds.

Oils are called “essential,” not because they’re indispensable, but because they contain the “essence” of a plant’s fragrance. They’re commonly used in alternative modalities, such as aromatherapy, massage, and even meditation because of their healing and soothing effects, Essential oils have been around for centuries, with the earliest mention of them dating back to the 12th century.

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My Favorite Essential Oils

Melaleuca, clove, frankincense, and oregano are four of my favorite essentials oil. Here’s why I always have them on hand:

Melaleuca (Tea Tree Oil)

How To Use Essential Oils - Safe & Chic BannerWhy I like it:

  • Antifungal
  • Antibacterial & antiviral
  • Antiseptic
  • Good for acne
  • Soothes ear infections
  • A natural insecticide

How to use it:

The next time you or one of your kids gets an ear infection, put a few drops of tea tree oil on the outside of the ear. I know that many people put it directly in the ear canal, but applying externally has worked wonders for me. However, do wait until your baby is over six months old to use melaleuca.

Buy Melaleuca here

Since tea tree oil is antibacterial, it’s good for acne or that occasional zit you want to obliterate quickly. Blend a few drops of the oil in with a couple of teaspoons of Manuka honey. Apply to your face, and leave on for at least one minute, before rinsing.

How To Use Essential Oils - Heavenly Heat Sauna

I use melaleuca for toothaches, but don’t apply it directly to your gums or it will sting. Instead put a few drops of tea tree oil in a carrier oil before applying.

Fractionated coconut oil, squalane, or avocado, jojoba, and argan oils all work well. You can also saturate a cotton ball with the mixture and place between your gum and cheek for 30 minutes or so.

[Read More: 5 Ways To Use Moroccan Argan Oil For Skin And Hair]

[Read More: Squalane: A Natural Remedy For Beautiful Skin]


Why I like it:

  • The woody and spicy aroma is amazing
  • Has antioxidant properties
  • A natural treatment for acne
  • Good for candida
  • Anti-parasitic
  • Freshens breath

How to use it:

Oil of clove is one of the best essential oils for freshening the breath. Add a couple of drops to your toothpaste or to some water, then swish and gargle for a whole-mouth effect. It can also be used for toothaches. Just make sure to mix with a carrier oil so it doesn’t burn since gums can be quite sensitive. And if you want to make your house smell like Christmas, put a few drops of clove essential oil in your diffuser.

Because of it’s warm and spicy fragrance, along with its antibacterial properties, adding a few drops of clove oil is a great way to spice up your DIY skincare and cleaning products. I also like using clove oil topically, applying a drop to my temples, wrists, and neck before bed.

Buy Clove oil here


Why I like it:

  • Reduces pain and inflammation
  • Boosts immune function
  • Relieves anxiety and stress
  • Slows tumor growth
  • Has antiseptic and disinfectant properties
  • Antimicrobial
  • Anti-aging

How To Use Essential Oils - Personalabs Banner

How to use it:

I keep frankincense, also known as Boswellia, on my nightstand and put a drop on the back of my neck before bed to reduce stress, and to soothe pain and inflammation. Diffusing the oil will also do the trick.

The sedative and anxiety-reducing properties in frankincense promote rest and relaxation. I put a few drops in my bath to unwind  after a stressful day.

Buy Frankincense here

Frankincense is a good oil to keep on hand because it’s a natural antiseptic, and is safe to use on minor cuts, scrapes, and burns to prevent infection. Mix a few drops in a carrier oil and apply to wounds. You can also make a healing salve by adding a few drops of the oil to warmed olive oil and beeswax. Apply to arthritic joints or sore muscles.

Or add a drop of oil to your daily moisturizer to increase elasticity in the skin. Frankincense oil reduces the appearance of age spots, use a roll-on applicator filled with frankincense to apply to the back of your hands to treat areas of hyperpigmentation. The oil can also be added to cleaning products you formulate yourself.

Oregano Oil

Why I like it:

How to use it:

Oregano oil is an expectorant, and a great oil to have on hand for respiratory and sinus infections. Diffuse the oil to breathe in its healing compounds or add a drop of the oil in your neti pot to calm inflammation and reduce bacteria in the sinuses.

The diluted oil can be used on wounds to prevent infections, or applied to stiff muscles and sore joints to reduce pain. Because of its antifungal properties, oregano oil is an effective remedy for warts. Mix a drop or two in a carrier oil, apply to warts, and cover with a bandaid overnight.

To treat toenail fungus, put a few drops of oregano oil into warmed coconut oil, and massage into the nail bed. Put on socks and leave on overnight. Oregano can also be added to whatever oil you use for oil pulling to freshen breath, and to prevent and eradicate pathogenic bacteria in the mouth.

Buy Oregano oil here

How To Use Essential Oils - Buy Vitamin C Banner

Key Points

Honestly, I would use essential oils just for the way they smell, that they contain therapeutic compounds is icing on the cake.

Oils are extremely versatile with a variety of applications. Apply them topically, use them in skincare and cleaning products, toss them in your bath, or diffuse them. Melaleuca, oregano, clove, and frankincense are four of my favorite oils that I always have on hand.

What are your favorite essential oils? Let me know in the comments:)

16 thoughts on “How To Use Essential Oils Therapeutically From Home”

  1. The woody and spicy description of Clove is my absolute favorite. I just bookmarked this article to check all of those links provided later on. I have never tried essential oils so I’m not completely sure, but are they really suitable for any and all skin types? I have a skin condition, is it safe to use those products?

    • Hi Stephanie,

      Clove has an absolutely divine smell. That’s why I use it topically on my wrists. Essentials oils are like anything else you try on your skin, you never know how you’ll react. That’s why using them with a carrier oil is important. Start with a small amount to see how your skin reacts, especially if it’s particularly sensitive. I haven’t had a problem with them and I’m fairly sensitive. Thanks for bookmarking my article:)

  2. I have been using some essential oils for a long time and they have been really effective. My likeness for natural products has grown because of it, and I don’t really like using drugs or any substances with toxic chemicals. 

    I know the chemicals in essential oils are different though, because they are healing. Clove oil and lavender oil are two oils I have grown up using and I just love them. Maybe some other time I’ll try these other ones you listed. 

    • Hi Benson,

      I’m happy to hear you’ve been using essential oils. I don’t like using prescription meds or any products with chemicals that may be toxic either. So many products on the market today contain harmful chemicals, and it’s refreshing to know that essential oils are natural compounds. I love lavendar also, such a distinct and lovely smell. Thanks for taking the time to read my post:)

  3. I like your content here, and how you explain it. You have done a good job on explaining what essential oils are good for, along with what different ones do. 

    I especially like the acne one. I did not know that you could use essential oils to treat acne, and how about a toothache. The toothache one really surprised me. I have had trouble with toothaches, and have tried almost everything out there. Or I thought I did. Thank you for you insight on essential oils, I’ll have to try them. Thanks again, Payton. 

    • Hi Payton,

      Thank you. Yes, essential oils are great for earaches, toothaches, and acne. Give them a try. You’ll be pleasantly surprised. Thanks for taking the time to leave a comment:)

  4. Hi Holly,

    I have certainly learned something today, the first thing why essential oils are called essential oils. I like the idea of the clove oil for extra fresh breath. Would Frankincense be good for helping someone sleep if they are having issues with interrupted sleeping patterns? If not what would do the job?

    • Hi Tom,

      Thanks for reading my post. I don’t think there’s a better oil than clove for freshening the breath. Frankincense is good for relaxation so if you’re having trouble sleeping, I would give it a try. Valerian essential oil has sedative and anti-anxiety properties so would be a good choice as well. 

  5. I definitely look for things like therapeutic properties and especially scent when it comes to essential oils, and your list of uses is pretty outstanding. Thank you for a little background on essential oils as I wasn’t aware that essential referred to the plant’s essence and it’s pretty amazing to think that they’ve been around since the 12th century. From your recommendations I really like the sauna wow! And Frankincense looks pretty awesome as well. One of my favorite fragrances is lavender and I’m going to check out all your links carefully to see what I can find, thanks for the great recommendations!

    • Essential oils smell amazing, don’t they? That’s my favorite thing about them. Yes, the word “essential” refers to the plant’s essence. It’s pretty crazy that oils have been around for hundreds of years. Frankincense is an incredible oil and one of my favorites. Thanks so much for reading:)

  6. Thanks for this great information about essential oils and how to use them it has been enjoyable from the start to the end because I have even fallen in love with one of the essential oil called melaleuca (tea tree oil) because what is amazing about it is that it is used to soothe ear infections. Thanks for the information.

    • Thank you. Melaleuca is definitely one of my favorite essential oils. It’s the first remedy I use when I or someone in my family has an ear infection. Thanks for your comment:)

  7. Basically the first thing coming to mind while reading this is….Does it really work?

    I see keywords like anti-ageing, treatment for acne, etc. 

    I have been to countries in the middles east for example where I have gone to a local market and cannot even count the number of time’s people have come to me with oil claiming it to be some kind of miracle solutions for all types of things.

    Don’t get me wrong, I do like essential oils a lot, especially the smell and variety they can be used for, I just don’t really buy the whole health benefits that much 🙂 

    What are your thoughts on Cannabis oil? 

    • Hi Mitchell,

      I believe that essential oils are be used supplementary, and never as stand-alone therapies. Of course, this depends on the particular condition they’re used for. I’ve used oils for earaches and toothaches with great success, and I know the alternative cancer community uses Frankincense as part of their protocol. So there’s definitely something to them. I don’t believe the claims that essential oils are miracle solutions, although, no supplement or therapy can exclusively claim that.

      I love cannabis oil, especially for skincare. You can read my post on it here

      Thanks so much for taking the time to comment:)

  8. I love oils! It is truly amazing how much oils can heal your life. I use them daily, my mum is hooked on oils lol. She made me a mix for migraines and relaxation in a roll-on bottle. I’ve been using them for many years, always dreamed of having my own shop someday.

    • Hi Ellie,

      Essential oils are awesome. I use them everyday. How great that your mom makes a blend for you. I love the roll-on bottles, they’re super convenient for making perfume. How fun to have your own shop someday. Get going on that dream. Thanks so much for reading:)


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